Student Resources

Helpful Crisis Phone Numbers

This list was made to help our students at Whitehall High School

Where To Call For Help In Trempealeau County

It Is OK To Ask For Help!

Simply dial 
2-1-1 to get help with life!

Hope Line Network: 1-800-SUICIDE *(1-800-784-2433)
First Call For Help: 1-800-362-8255

If you are being subjected to physical threats/contacts, verbal abuse or any other form of insults, derogatory names or obscenities (including comments made about your body) at school which causes discomfort to you or humiliates/degrades you or a friend, please know it needs to stop immediately! Student harassment complaint forms can be picked up in the office or in your counselor’s office. Completed forms must be given to Mr. Beighley. We have many caring adults at school who will support you.

Trempealeau County Sheriff’s Department: 1-715-538-4351
New Horizons-La Crosse: 1-608-791-2600

National Runaway Hotline: 1-800-621-4000
Trempealeau County Department of Social Services: 715-538-2311
Trempealeau County Sheriff’s Department: 715-538-4352 or 911 (Emergency)

Bolton 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-252-4357
Child Abuse Reporting: Trempealeau County 538-2311   

Gunderson Clinic: 1-608-785-0538
Western Dairyland: 1-800-472-3566   

Fridays 9-3 & Tuesdays Noon-6:00  Call ahead to make an appointment.

Trempealeau County Sheriff’s Department (to report illegal drug usage): 715-538-4351


*These are only a few of the many fine resources available for teens and/or their families in Trempealeau   County. Please call someone who can help; your school counselor, a teacher, a member of the Clergy, a coach, and/or any number listed above. Remember, many people care about you or this “help list” would not exist.

Bullying and Harassment

Is it Bullying?

You may not always get along with your peers. To help you decide what is going on and what action to take, below is some information that may be helpful.

What’s Going On?

TEASING: Making fun in a playful way. Everyone is having fun, no one is getting hurt and everyone is participating equally. May cause distractions or annoyance.

CONFLICT: When two or more students disagree and both parties are contributing to the problem. As students grow and form relationships, conflicts may naturally arise. While a person’s feelings may be hurt, conflict may not be bullying.

MEAN MOMENT: Being unkind, spiteful or unfair. Someone is being inconsiderate or harsh to others. The mean moment is a strong response to a feeling or emotion.

BULLYING: A deliberate or intentional behavior using words or actions, intended to cause fear, intimidation, or harm. Bullying may be a repeated behavior and involves an imbalance of power. It is serious enough to negatively impact the individual’s well being.

HARASSMENT: A deliberate or intentional behavior toward an individual or group of individuals based, in whole or in part, on their sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

What Should I Do?

Talk to your parents – It is important to discuss your feelings with your parents. They may be able to help you work through challenges and give you the support you need.

Take a break from your use of technology – Cyberbullying is a common form of bullying. Limiting your social media use can help you avoid interactions that may impact your well being.

Get support – Talk to your principal, counselor or a trusted school staff member if you feel you need more support

District Administrator– Mike Beighley (715) 538-4364 or [email protected]
7-12 Principal – Damon Lisowski (715) 538-4364 or [email protected] 4K-6 Principal - Luke Eide (715) 538-4364 or [email protected]
Counselor –
Counselor – Bethany Bown (715) 538-4364 or [email protected]

Administration will review each submission and respond according to school board policy 443.71 ANTI-BULLYING